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Here you'll find more than 300 articles to help you prioritize self-care without sacrifice. Please use the search option to find the topic you're curious about.

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By Heather Dumas 11 Apr, 2024
Discover a fresh approach to wellness that goes beyond gym routines and diets. Learn how a personalized healthy lifestyle strategy, tailored to your unique life, can lead to sustainable, joyful, and effective fitness results. Embrace flexibility, happiness, and a holistic view of health in this transformative journey.
By Heather Dumas 04 Apr, 2024
Dive into the heart of health and fitness with a straight-talking guide to ditching quick fixes for a personalized, sustainable journey. Discover the power of consistency, investment in quality guidance, and the transformation that comes from a plan tailored just for you.
By Heather Dumas 28 Mar, 2024
Discover why reaching your breaking point can be the catalyst for transformative health and happiness. Learn how prioritizing your well-being isn't just deserved—it's essential for living a fuller, more vibrant life.
By Heather Dumas 21 Mar, 2024
Explore the transformative journey of intermittent fasting for 80s and 90s babies. Dive into how time-restricted eating, balanced meal timing, and mindful practices can revamp your metabolism, enhance sleep quality, and lead to a healthier, more attuned lifestyle after 35.
By Heather Dumas 14 Mar, 2024
Discover the pivotal moment when seeking help transforms from a last resort to a strategic move towards personal growth and achievement. Dive into a candid discussion on recognizing your breaking point, the undeniable value of expert guidance, and the life-changing outcomes of embracing support. Join us on a journey from DIY attempts to triumphant transformations.
By Heather Dumas 06 Mar, 2024
Discover the powerful connection between micronutrients and sleep quality. Learn how magnesium, iron, zinc, and vitamins B and D can transform your sleep and overall well-being.
By Heather Dumas 29 Feb, 2024
Uncover the transformative journey from accepting "I'm fine" to embracing excellence in your life. Learn how to prioritize your well-being, overcome mediocrity, and truly thrive.
By Heather Dumas 22 Feb, 2024
Explore the truths behind common sleep myths and how they affect your work-life balance. From debunking the eight-hour rule to reevaluating naps and understanding the full moon's impact, learn how quality sleep can be the cornerstone of a balanced, energized life.
By Heather Dumas 17 Feb, 2024
Explore the pitfalls of relying on caffeine and alcohol to power through your day and unwind at night. Discover healthier, more sustainable habits for managing stress and maintaining energy.
By Heather Dumas 14 Feb, 2024
Discover how to conquer the devils of excuses and master the art of work-life balance with practical tips, personal anecdotes, and effective strategies. Learn how to overcome fear, make time for self-care, and embrace a healthy lifestyle without breaking the bank.
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